Saturday, November 3, 2012

Even after the election, our work is not done

For many people, the only time they worry about politics is only from the week before to the year before Election Day. They feel that all they have to do is vote and that is it, but is it really? Is there more to politics than just voting?

The answer is that politics is more than just a one phase operation. Sure voting is a part of it, but it is not the only thing. The other part is holding the politicians’ feet to the fire. And one way to that is by checking out The People’s Vote. Chuck Kirkpatrick and DariaAnne DiGiovanni are the two purveyors of the site which seeks to keep the elected politicians – whether it is national, state, or local – honest by giving the people a voice in bills and issues on the legislative docket. And with the current presidential election, the call to hold the politicians’ feet to the fire is needed now more than ever. If Obama wins the White House for a second term and the Republicans win the Senate and keep the House, we need to keep the Republicans in line by telling them to not give in to anything Obama does which bypasses Congress. Conversely, if Romney wins the White House and the Republicans win the House and keep the Senate, then we need to keep the Republicans in line by telling them to hold Romney to many if not all of the promises he had made regarding the repeal of ObamaCare.

This election is VERY WELL the most important election of our lifetime in the fact that if Obama wins a second term, then America as we know it will cease to exist if we do not hold Congress’ feet to the fire. In order for America to remain the best country in the world, both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue should be held accountable.

The Rundown for November 3, 2012

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (Host of Nobamanation every Thursday at 8 PM Eastern on Conservative Nation Radio) as they give a review of the week in news. This week they will be talking to Chuck Kirkpatrick and DariaAnne DiGiovanni, the purveyors of The People’s Vote. They were on Red Right, and Blue in the past talking about their grand opening and much had happened since then. PLUS with this being the last Red, Right, and Blue before the election they will have a lot to say about the election and after so it makes sense to have them on. Plus your calls will be included this week as well.
Come join us for a very special pre-election show of Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 Central. The chatroom at will be open 30 minutes early to get people comfortable and also for a meet and greet with the hosts and also the guests. The phone number to call in is 718-305-7176 and of course you can also call in using Skype. When the show starts just hit the Skype button and you will be in the queue to converse. Also, if you are listening and unable to be in the chatroom, you can still interact with the hosts and guests using Twitter. Just use the hashtag #RedRightBlue.
Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a liberal. With a little over 72 hours left until the election, every hour counts toward getting as many people as possible ready for #VICTORY.