Saturday, May 25, 2013

Breitbart Rule 12: Truth isn’t mean. It’s truth

As Andrew Breitbart had come to the close of his Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries, he brings about a VERY important issue and rule which many on the left do NOT want to think about, which is why they rely on Alinsky Tactics and smears.

12.) Truth isn't mean. It's truth: I know that some of you are going to feel rotten about using some of these tactics. We can ignore the tactics, but the left will continue to use them to their benefit; just as the Frankfurt School relied on the good nature and honesty of Americans who wouldn't engage in un-Christian tactics in order to achieve their massive victory, the left continues to rely on our honesty and aboveboard good nature in order to achieve theirs.

We can't let them.

We start by uncovering the truth and telling everyone about it. I'm not religious, and I'm certainly no theologian, but if there is one thing in religion that speaks to me, it is the idea of absolute truth. In fact, the word truth has meaning only if it's absolute. And absolute truth will set us free from the grip of the Complex, because the Complex lives in the clouds, in the theoretical heavens - the Frankfurt School was successful only because they were able to shift Marxism's basis from real-world predictions to descriptions of supposed historical processes, making Marxism unfalsifiable. We have to falsify their theory by presenting unvarnished truth after unvarnished truth until the light dawns on everyone just how right we are.

In my travels on Twitter, I have met many who spread lies about anything and everything, and when I confront them with the truth they call me racist, mean, or say that I don’t know what I’m talking about. Then when I provide them with links which show where I know what I am referring to they proceed to say that the site or blog has errors even though it is a HIGHLY REPUTABLE site which many use. One of the many things I also like to bring up is that “Common sense dictates …” which I use to say that those who even have any sort of common sense and decency would look at what is read and determine for themselves if it is true or not. Sometimes people just need a 10 pound sledgehammer of common sense upside the head or a cheese grater of decency right in the yambag region to see that what they had said or read has been wrong. However, there are times in which you have to use it on people more than once to try to get it to sink in. No matter what, we need to reach out to people with the truth, and for those who do not want to hear it, well all we have to do is channel our inner Jack Nicholson from A Few Good Men and let them have it.

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Rundown for May 25, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter as they bring you the week in news. The IRS was pulled into a hearing by the House Government Oversight Committee. What happened, and what is the backlash from it? Also, the Tea Party protested in front of the IRS buildings all over the country. Why did they do that? What news did it generate over talk radio and also in the Federal Government. All that plus your calls and the ever popular Schmuck of the Week.

Come join us for Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 Central. I will be in the chatroom (which you can access at 30 minutes early for some last minute show prep and also a meet and greet. If you want to engage the conversation there are three ways to do so:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN to interact

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a Liberal. Come listen to the man that John LaRosa of FourTier Strategies calls “the most distinctive voice on conservative talk radio”

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