Saturday, March 23, 2013

Rundown for March 23, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Justin Kendall as they bring the week in news. This week Obama took his first ever trip to Israel and gave a couple of speeches. How well received was he? Also, the latest polls to replace him in 2016 are out. Granted, the 2014 midterms had not happened but it is not too early to get ready for 2016. Who is leading overall? Who will jockey to receive the Republican nomination? All that and more will be answered.They will also have your phone calls and the ever popular Schmuck of the Week.

Come join us for Red, Right, and Blue back at it’s regular 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central, timeslot. I will be in the chatroom at 30 minutes early for last-minute show prep and also a meet and greet with the listeners. If you want to join in the conversation, there are three ways:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in at OTNNetwork
  • If you are unable to be in the chat but want to participate, you can use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN on Twitter.

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a liberal. Every second of Red, Right, and Blue is interesting and there is never a dull moment. Plus you never know what the other callers or I will say.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Breitbart Rule 2: Expose the left for who they are - in their own words

Continuing with Andrew Breitbart’s Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries, here is his explanation for Rule #2:

2.) Expose the left for who they are - in their own words: It's easy to label the left, to analyze them, to take them apart using your rationality - their program fails every time it's tried, and their lexicon, once you know it, is as predictable as the sun rising in the east. What's much harder than understanding the left is exposing it.

That's where citizen journalists come in. Drudge was a citizen journalist, and he took on a president. Today, we all have the power to be citizen journalists via the internet - there's no Complex gatekeeper to stop us from posting the truth about enemies of freedom and liberty in this country. In the past few years alone, citizen journalists have deposed Dan Rather for his scurrilous and baseless attacks on George W. Bush; exposed John Kerry's true war record during the 2004 election cycle; debunked Reuters' photography fraud in the Middle East; raised the question whether Barack Obama's autobiography, Dreams from My Father, was ghostwritten by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers; gotten rid of communist Van Jones; and the list goes on. The Internet has become the shining beacon of journalistic freedom, tearing apart congressional bills piece by piece for the benefit of the public, even when our own legislators won't read them.

The key to the success of the New Media, though, is making news by breaking news. And that means that conservatives need to use their new best technological friends: the MP3 recorder, the phone camera, and the blogosphere. It's one thing to say that the left likes socialism, but it's a real story to get Barack Obama to admit it on camera, as he did to Joe the Plumber during the 2008 election cycle. Video journalism is the most potent kind of journalism. We live in an age of sound and light, not text, and we have to adapt to that age.

You are the soldiers in this war against the Institutional Left. You have been issued your weapons. Go out and use them. Make it impossible for the Complex to ignore you.

I find it a little bit ironic but mayhap led by Andrew himself that this rule is being written during CPAC 2013 for the simple reason that the speakers and panelists are empowering us with the skills and tactics to go up against the Left. The war is the Mainstream Media (who employ Alinsky tactics) v. the Citizen Journalist (who employ Breitbart tactics) first and foremost. And judging by the speakers Thursday, yesterday and today I personally have never felt more empowered to take on the Mainstream Media and hold them accountable for putting the politicians’ feet to the fire.

Even though I was not able to attend CPAC in person, I had followed the proceedings on Twitter (with the hashtag #CPAC2013) and also in a chatroom from Right Scoop’s Live Feed of CPAC 2013, and I dare say that all of the speeches were wonderful. The speakers I had heard definitely fired me up and inspired me to continue this fight through my blogs and this radio show as well as my New Media venture.

I will go more into the speakers later in the show, but all I have to say is after listening to the speakers over the past three days, the liberals had better be very afraid. We will never EVER forget what happened on November 6. In fact, that only served to embolden many of us to do all we can to call out the liberals and any on our own side who support Obama’s policies. I know I am emboldened to do my part. Who will stand with me in that bunker defending those who spoke and in a sense are on that wall defending our freedom?

Rundown for March 16, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and special co-host Liz Harrison (host of the Right War  at 11 PM Eastern on Wednesdays on From The Right Radio and also the purveyor of the Goldwater Gal website) as they give the week in news. Over the past three days #CPAC2013 was in Washington DC and there were a lot of good speakers and panels in the main ballroom which was streamed online. Who spoke? What was said? They will be discussing that on Red, Right, and Blue at a SPECIAL time tonight.

With CPAC going on until 6 PM Eastern tonight, there are going to be a lot of good speakers and panels. As such I will not be able to have the show at the usual 1:30 PM Eastern, so with that in mind Red, Right, and Blue will be at 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central. I will still be in the chatroom at 30 minutes or so before the show starts to do a little last-minute show prep and also to greet many who come in early and get settled. If you want to join in the conversation on the air, there are three ways to do so.

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Dial OTNNetwork on Skype
  • If you are unable to access the chatroom but are on Twitter, use the hashtag #RedRightBlue and/or #OTNN 

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a liberal. With CPAC in the rearview mirror after 6 PM Eastern today, you do not want to miss a single minute of tonight’s show as three days of CPAC will be condensed into two hours.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Breitbart Rule 1: Bring the fight to your enemy

The first rule Andrew had written in his Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries is to not be afraid to go into enemy territory, saying the following:

1.) Don't be afraid to go into enemy territory: This is the most important rule you'll read in this book, and the one most likely to be ignored by the Republican Party and the Old Guard in the conservative movement. They would say I shouldn't have appeared on Maher, because it was an audience stacked against me. But that's the same mentality that led toe right to abandon Hollywood, academia, and the media - and the effects have been disastrous. The right figures that talk radio, Fox News, and some independent Internet sites will allow us to distribute our ideas to the masses. There's one problem: those outlets are exponentially outnumbered and outgunned by the Complex. They're Alinsky-ed by the activist left, which is insists Fox News is Faux News and talk radio is hate radio. Obama is leading the charge, targeting specific hosts and specific outlets. Remember Rush Limbaugh? Or their insistence that Fox News isn't a real news outlet like CNN or MSNBC?

The problem is that it works with the vast majority of apolitical voters in America. In my neighborhood, our strategy of disengagement isn't working too well. People who don't watch Fox News or listen to Rush have strong, defiant, negative opinions about those outlets, just like I did when I was a liberal. I'd never listened to Rush in my life, but I knew - I knew! - that Rush was the epitome of evil. I knew, just as the Complex wanted me to know, that Rush was a racist, sexist, homophobic bigot that only KKKers listened to while driving their broken down pickups and drinking moonshine.

The army of the emboldened and gleefully ill-informed is growing. Groupthink happens, and we have to take it head-on. We can't win the political war until we win the cultural war. The Frankfurt School knew that - that's why they won the cultural war and then, on it's back, the political war. We can do the same, but we have to be willing to enter the arena. By neglecting The View or, worse, by ignoring Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Maher, and David Letterman - we allow them to distort and demean us as they romanticize and elevate themselves. It's harder to attack people to their faces than behind their backs. and we have to confront them face-to-face. Young people suckle at the teat of pop culture - but by refusing to fight for their attention, we lose by default.

Our most articulate voices, likable faces, and best idea-makers need to go into hostile territory and plant the seeds of doubt in our ideological enemy and the apolitical masses who simply go with the media flow. Our babysitter has an Obama bumper sticker on her car, but admits she knows nothing about politics. How did that happen? It's what the complex tells her to do to be cool. We have to use their media control against them by walking into the lion's den, heads held high, proud of who we are and what we stand for.

There's no time to continue backing away. If we're standing still we're moving backward. Get in the game. Get in the fight.

During the 2012 presidential campaign, I had seen posts on Facebook and Twitter bemoaning the fact that New Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain, and other Republicans and conservatives had given interviews on CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, ABC News, and other liberal stations and talk show hosts. Rather than bemoaning them, we should have celebrated them for doing so. As I had mentioned last week, the liberals won the cultural war and then the political war. We need to take back the cultural war, and we cannot do that if we remain in our small sphere and not engage the liberals on their battlefield.

Back in 1994 or so I had read a book by InterVarsity Press (a part of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship) entitled Out of the Saltshaker & into the World by Rebecca Manley Pippert. The book deals with evangelism. However, after reading Andrew’s Pragmatic Primer Rule 1, I also thought of this because just as Get out of the Saltshaker dealt with getting out of the church and into the world, what Andrew is saying is our best and brightest conservative minds need to get off of Fox News and conservative talk shows and go on shows like Piers Morgan, Hardball, Meet the Press with David Gregory, The Daily Show with John Stewart, Real Time with Bill Maher, The View, and others to get our word out there. While most of us are not of the caliber to go on those shows, there is one way we can do it. We need to actually go and engage the culture in the malls, the parks, anywhere we can.

When I was involved in InterVarsity Christian Fellowship back in 1993 and 1994, one person would always point to the door before he left the meeting and say “The mission field is right out that door there.” His basis for that was from the Bible where in Isaiah 6:8 God asked “Whom will I send, and who will go for us?” and Isaiah said “Here am I. Send me.” I am here to say that the battlefield for the hearts and minds of Americans, nay, the WORLD, is the Internet as well as right in our own backyards. The question is will you stand on the sidelines and retreat to the safety of Fox News and conservative talk shows, or will you get out there and join in the fight?

Rundown for March 9, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and a special co-host (filling in for Billie Cotter as she is without a computer at present) as they bring the week in news. Today they will talk about the Rand Paul #filliblizzard from Wednesday and the ramifications from it. They will also talk about the SW Florida high school student who was suspended from school for disarming a gunman. Also, Dennis Rodman had gone to North Korea to meet with Kim Jong Un. What happened and what is the backlash from that? All that and more including Schmuck of the Week and your calls.

Come join us today for Red, Right, and Blue at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. The chatroom for the show (and indeed for all shows on Own The Narrative) is at and I will be there 30 minutes early for some last minute show prep and also a meet and greet. If you want to engage the conversation on the show there are many ways:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a liberal. With everything that had happened this past week, you do not want to miss one second of my take. It is better than The Soup on the E! Entertainment Network.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Remembering Andrew Breitbart

On March 7, 2012, I had written this blog entry paying tribute to Andrew Breitbart.

I know we are only 65 days into the year, and we lost a great Conservative Patriot 6 days ago, but this has to be said. If there is anything we will take away from this year, it is the tag of #IAmBreitbart, just like 2011 was the year of #IAmJohnGalt in memory of the movie “Atlas Shrugged: Part 1” which opened on April 15, 2011.

I might not have met Andrew Breitbart, but had seen him on Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld and also in a few YouTube videos where he confronted the Occupy Wall street people as well as some who opposed the Tea Party. Through those incidents I feel as if I had known Andrew Breitbart, and will uphold his legacy of citizen journalism and blow the whistle on those who seek to cause harm to the country.

Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2012

Andrew Breitbart doing what he does best in exposing Occupy Wall Street for the troublemakers they are.

And this wonderful pic (h/t Sarah Rumpf of Sunshine State Sarah) of Dana Loesch and Company. (pic taken by Chris Loesch) with the tweet posted here.

It has been a year ago today that he had died, and those words ring true today as they did back then. Andrew Breitbart was a happy warrior, one who knew that in order to win the political war you first have to conquer and win the cultural war.

BreitbartManifestoLast month, I had written the blog entry Alinsky vs. Breitbart and based on what I had seen over the past year from those on the Left and even from those on the Right, it just goes to show that I was right. This battle is not conservative v. liberal or even Republican v. Democrat. Rather, it is Saul Alinsky v. Andrew Breitbart. Barack Obama has been so successful in using Alinsky tactics to further divide and tear this country apart that at times it seems like nobody will be able to stand up to him. Well Andrew Breitbart had provided the tools to stand up to Obama and push back against the false narratives in his book Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save the World for us to use. We just have to actually go out there and DO it and not be afraid of whatever the consequences might be. The question is: Will you be willing to stand with me in using those tactics to fight the Alinsky tactics, or are you against me? Like Andrew said at CPAC last year, “If you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with a certain candidate, more than shame on you! You’re on the other side!” While there is no nominee to stand behind now, the fight still wages on. Andrew said this is a #WAR; I say #ThisMeansWAR. The internet is our battleground; our keyboards, cell phones, webcams, digital cameras, and iPods are the weapons we use. Andrew paved the way for us, now let’s go out there and make him proud of his work.


Rundown for March 2, 2013


AndrewBreitbartWarStillJoin Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (host of Ballistic every Wednesday at 11 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they give the week in news. This week will be a very special show as they will be paying tribute to Andrew Breitbart, who had died a year ago yesterday. His death left a hole in the conservative movement, but there are many who have stepped up and took up his cause. Own The Narrative is one of them because Andrew was all about the media dictating the terms of the narrative and how tired he was of it. Own The Narrative is about empowering the individual to speak up with AndrewBreitbartWartheir thoughts and their own citizen journalism work to take on the narrative put forth by the mainstream media, and Andrew Breitbart is that inspiration. They will be discussing and playing a couple of videos, including the video from Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld where the entire show was a wake and a tribute to Andrew Breitbart. Your calls are welcome as Red, Right, and Blue pays a tribute to a great American Patriot who was taken away from us at a bad time.

Join us for the fun and frivolity that is Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern. I will be in the chatroom, which can be accessed at, 30 minutes early for last minute show prep and also a meet and greet. There are many ways you can engage the conversation during the show:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a liberal. You do not want to miss a single second of the show today as we pay tribute to a true patriot.




Saturday, February 23, 2013

Intro to Breitbart’s Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries


On the webpage ANDREW BREITBART'S PRAGMATIC PRIMER FOR REALISTIC REVOLUTIONARIES, I had made the following mention by way of introduction:

Andrew Breitbart will forever be remembered for many things in his life, from going out to get the real dirt on the Occupy movement to speaking at Tea Party events. However, one main thing he will forever be known for is engaging the Liberals on their turf (see his appearance on Real Time with Bill Maher in 2009) and doing it with class and dignity. While many people deride Conservatives and Republicans for going on Liberal talk shows, Breitbart shows that we can walk into the Lions' Den and come out unscathed. He had written down rules (with an explanation as to why they should be used) that ALL Conservative activists need to use to use when fighting the left.

AndrewBreitbartWarWhile I had not had the privilege and the honor of meeting Andrew Breitbart prior to his death in March, 2012, I felt a kindred spirit with him after hearing his legendary CPAC speech last year. If you had not heard it before, I encourage you to do so as he put himself on the wall and said that he would fight side by each with whoever would support our candidate, with the warning that anyone who is not supporting our candidate is on the other side. He had left us with good instructions to fight the progressive left in his book “Righteous Indignation: Excuse Me While I Save The World” which he had published in April, 2011. The instructions he had left us are found in Chapter 7 which is entitled “Pragmatic Primer For Realistic Revolutionaries.” and is worth reading and applying to our daily lives.

Over the next 3 to 4 months I will spend one entry a week to speaking on one of the rules Andrew had written out and going over just how we can use it to our advantage in speaking to others. This will be a preparation for the fight for Congress in 2014 when we will challenge for the Senate and defend the House. Also, this will be good for the fight for the White House in 2016 when we will support whoever we can during the primaries and then ultimately come together and put up a united front, supporting the Republican nominee against whoever the Democrats roll out to try to succeed Obama.

Rundown for February 23, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (host of Ballistic every Wednesday at 11 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they give the week in news. This week it was predominately overrun (at least online) by the conservative websites and talk show hosts railing against the WWE for their portrayal of a Tea Party character and a longtime WWE fan, Rick will explain why he does not see the commotion surrounding such. Also, there was other news in the world including the Americans For Prosperity putting out their initial Congressional Report Card. Who ranked as the highest according to them? All that and more including the ever popular Schmuck of the Week and your calls.

Join us for the fun and frivolity that is Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern. I will enter the chatroom, which can be accessed at, 30 minutes prior to the show for some last-minute show prep and also to interact with those who enter. If you want to engage the conversation, there are three ways you can do it:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a liberal. I am on a rampage, and you do not want to miss a single second of what I have to say.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rundown for February 16, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (Host of Ballistic every Wednesday at 11 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they bring you the week in news. This week they will speak with Gerald Harrison about politics and religion. They will also speak on the State of the Union by Obama on Tuesday, and the response by Marco Rubio. Also they will talk about “WaterBottleGate” which the media is blowing out of proportion. All that and more including your calls and the ever popular Schmuck of the Week.

Join us for the fun and frivolity that is Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern. I will enter the chatroom, which can be accessed at, 30 minutes prior to the show for some last-minute show prep and also to interact with those who enter. If you want to engage the conversation, there are three ways you can do it:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your friends. Hell, tell a liberal. You do not want to miss a single second of the show.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Alinsky vs. Breitbart

In my 3 years of being involved politically, I had seen the war out there. However, it is not just conservative v. liberal as many think. In all actuality, it is Alinsky v. Breitbart.

What do I mean by the war is Alinsky v. Breitbart? The answer is complex but it is also simple. It is complex because of the media Complex that those on the left use. By the media Complex I am referring to not only the mainstream media but also the way they handle the news. For instance, the media in the northeast had been reporting on the blizzard but failed to report on the conservative march against gun control inside one of the state capitals. It is simple because we can SEE what they had been doing for some time.

The difference between then and now is that we had no way to combat it until now. And THAT is where Andrew Breitbart comes into play. In his book Righteous Indignation, he made mention of what Alinsky looked for in a community organizer as well as how he built his tactics. I will get into the full explanation of how Alinsky did that later, but to sum it up he lays out his plan for the “Have-Nots” against the Haves” in his book Rules for Radicals.  While Alinsky had put out a way to divide America, Andrew Breitbart had put out a way to unite America. We have the will and capability. All we have to do is not be afraid to go out there and actually DO it.

Rundown for February 9. 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (host of Ballistic every Wednesday at 11 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they bring you the week in news. Snowmaggedon in the form of SuperBlizzard Nemo is bearing down on the Northeast. Also, Mr. T had joined Twitter. How will he handle the trolls? And the crazed cop killer who quoted Mia Farrow in his manifesto is still on the loose. What is the latest? All that and more including your calls and the ever popular Schmuck of the Week right here on Red, Right, and Blue.

Come join us for the fun and frivolity today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom at 30 minutes before the show starts for some last minute show prep and also possibly a pre-show Q&A session. There are three ways you can interact with the show:

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, you can even tell a liberal. Even though the weather outside is frightful, things are always delightful on Red, Right, and Blue.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Apologize for WHAT?

Yesterday would have been Andrew Breitbart’s 44th birthdate. I admit I had not followed him all that much before watching his speech at CPAC last year, and I am kicking myself for that. However, in the 11 months since his unexpected death, I had been looking at all the videos and articles I could find on him, and even requested (and gotten) his book “Righteous Indignation” for Christmas.

BreitbartManifestoIn “Righteous Indignation”, he had written a “Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Revolutionaries” where he lays out the rules which ever conservative activist needs to do in order to fight the left and also even those on our own side now. I mention those on our own side because of what happened during the last election cycle where many did not vote for Romney because of one reason or another. As Andrew said at CPAC last year (which had been my motto throughout the 2012 election season), “If you’re not for this candidate, more than shame on you; you’re on the other side” In fact, take a listen to his words for yourself:

Andrew Breitbart at CPAC 2011

BreitbartWarOver the next 14 shows or so I am going to go through Andrew’s Pragmatic Primer and say just what we could do in order to take back the Senate in 2014 and also possibly the White House in 2016. We had lost those two battles in 2012 but with enough inspiration and know-how we will win the #WAR in the future. That’s right, ladies and gentlemen. I say to the left and even to those on our side who cost us the 2012 election, “#ThisMeansWAR!” After all, I think this is what that Andrew Breitbart, that happy warrior, that fearless warrior, would have wanted. This is how I will celebrate his 44th birthdate.


Rundown for February 2, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (host of Ballistic every Wednesday at 11 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they bring you the week in news. Yesterday would have been Andrew Breitbart’s 44th birthdate, and they will have a tribute to him. The groundhog came out today. What did he see? There was also the hearing for Chuck Hagel who was picked to lead the Defense Department. All that and more including your calls and the ever popular Schmuck of the Week right here on Red, Right, and Blue.

Come join us for the fun and frivolity today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom at 30 minutes before the show starts for some last minute show prep and also possibly a pre-show Q&A session. There are three ways you can interact with the show:

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Tell any and all you know, even a liberal. The shows are always fun, and you never know what I will say next.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Obama’s Second Inauguration and America’s Future

Well, the unthinkable which we had failed to prevent on November 6, 2012, had officially happened this past Sunday. We have 4 more years of Barack Obama. I say officially on Sunday because according to the Constitution January 20 is the official day when the President and Vice President begin their term, with the public inauguration occurring on Monday, January 21.  We already know what plans Obama has for the second term, and that which I had long feared might just occur in his second term, that in turning the Republic which the Founding Fathers had fought and died to create into an Empire like that of Soviet Russia a century ago or (even worse) like that which we had seen come about in Star Wars Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith. Granted, the latter is just a movie, but it is still powerful nevertheless.

If you had not seen that movie, there is a very interesting clip which has been removed on YouTube where Chancellor Palpatine was speaking to the Senate and spoke of the Jedi attack on him, thus leaving him scarred and deformed. However, he said his resolve had never been stronger and that ” in order to ensure our security and continuing stability, the Republic will be reorganized into the First Galactic Empire...for a safe and secure society!” The reply from Senator Padme Amidala is rather alarming, and possibly serves as a warning for us today: “So this is how liberty dies...with thunderous applause.”  Is there any way to prevent this from happening in our world today?

Image of AJ ReissigFortunately, there might be a way. AJ Reissig has written a book entitled Escape to Freedom: Book One in the FreedomRedux Series. AJ lives in New Richmond, Ohio with his lovely wife Christina and children. Born in 1973, he grew up in the small river town of Moscow, Ohio. He is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati with a background in chemistry. After spending several years as an analyst in manufacturing, he began to pursue writing as a part-time freelancer. His hobbies include gardening, woodworking, home improvement, and anything outdoors.
AJ has long followed politics. Over the years, AJ has become increasingly disturbed by the trend toward big government in the United States. His novel series, FreedomRedux, revolves around a United States of the future that is governed by a totalitarian regime that is bent on world domination, and those who wish to restore the United States to the nation that the founding fathers intended. In 2011, he started the political blog FreedomRedux to express his libertarian political beliefs. In 2012, he founded Freedom Notes Press, LLC to publish political novels.

Rundown for January 26, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (Host of “Ballistic” Every Thursday at 10 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they bring you the week in news. Today they will interview AJ Reissig, author of the book Escape to Freedom: Book One in the FreedomRedux Series. With all that has been going on in the United States and also in the world today, will we see a World Leader trying to rule a nation under the One World concept? Is there any way to bring the United States back to its founding principles? With Obama’s second inauguration, are we going to see socialism play a prominent role in America? Tune in today as those questions and more will be probed. They will also include your phone calls and also give 2 books during the show.

Come join us for the fun and frivolity that is Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom at 30 minutes early for some last minute show prep and also a little preshow banter. If you want to ask AJ a question, there are three ways to do it:

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a Liberal. With all the problems in the United States and abroad today, this is one show you do NOT want to miss.

Check out the plug for today’s show that I made on Tout!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

An Open Letter to the Haters

I have picked up a lot of haters in my 38 years of being vertical and walking the earth. However, over the past three years that I had decided to actively blog about politics (as opposed to passively blog now and then) they had come out of the woodwork. Many would think that because I am a Conservative that it would come from the Liberals, but that is not the case. Roughly 95% of the haters had come from those who call themselves Conservative. The following goes out to them on behalf of myself and a few close friends:

Dear haters and other douchenozzles,

It is because of you and your egotistical bullshit that we are 24 – 48 hours from the coronation of Barack Obama. While I understand we each had different candidates through the Primaries, when Romney had the nomination all locked up in April we should have put our differences aside and supported him as the candidate to go up against Obama in November. However, that was not the case as had been mentioned on my rant blog as well as this very show on several occasions. Thanks to you, the Left had controlled the narrative and that led to Obama winning the White House for 4 more years.

Many of you had said that “a vote for Romney is a vote for Obama because they both believe the same thing.” I had disproven that as well because we had all seen how Obama hates America in many ways, more recently with the executive orders he signed this past Wednesday tightening gun control. On the other hand, if you had heard Romney with an open mind then you would know that he loves America and would do all he could in order to make this the best country on the earth.But you would not see that through your rose-colored glasses. We lost the White House not because of WHO we ran or HOW we ran, but rather because we were not a solid unit. Now, because we were not a solid unit, you better be prepared to see all that the Founding Fathers fought, bled, and died for crumble and America as we know it go to hell in a handbag even faster. I told you this is exactly what would happen, but you were so bull-headed that you could not see an inch from your own face.

I know you had told me to go back to my blog because I know nothing. I also know that you had told a few conservative BlogTalk Radio show hosts to get off the air and you have bragged that you ran off a couple of others. Well, you had not run us off but rather we are bigger and better than ever before. In the immortal words of Katy Abram to Arlen Specter, you have awakened a sleeping giant. We WILL NOT be denied. You might have run us off of BlogTalk Radio but you have NOT silenced us. We own the narrative because it is not just a fancy saying or something that can be turned off like a light switch. Rather, it is a way of life, something that is in us every second of our lives, and we are determined to make your lives a living hell the only way we know how. You might think that you have silenced us, but instead you have made our drive to take back America that much more in the fore. We are bound and determined to own and control the narrative. Whatever narrative we do not have, we will do all we can to take the narrative away from the liberals and also you haters. You are no better than the liberals. In fact, and I speak for myself on this, you are ALL liberals in my eyes!


Richard P. (Rick) Bulow

A REAL American fighting for what’s right

I do not know about you, but the haters and douchenozzles had only given me more incentive to got to #WAR and ensure that I can do all I can to save this nation in 2014 and beyond. While the past is behind us, I will do all I can to learn from it and move ahead so as not to let the past repeat itself.

Rundown for January 19, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (Host of Ballistic with Billie Cotter every Thursday at 11 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they go through the week in news. This week Barack Obama had signed 23 Executive Orders on Gun Control. What are they? What does this mean for America? Also this week the lovely and talented Dana Loesch was on with Piers Morgan. Did Piers get flustered again or did he get the better of Dana? Did Piers actually say he will beat Bill O’Reilly in the ratings? All that and more, including your phone calls and the ever popular Schmuck of the Week, on today’s show.

Come join us today for Red, Right, and Blue at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom at 30 minutes before the show to try to do some last minute show prep. If you want to engage the conversation there are three ways to do it.

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Hit OTNNetwork on your Skype
  • Use the hashtag #RedRightBlue and #OTNN if you are on Twitter

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, you can even tell a Liberal. You do not want to miss a single second of today’s show as you never know what I will say or do next.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

An Apology to the Founding Fathers


My friend Laurin Moreno had written something on December 15, 2012, which really put things in perspective nowadays.

Dear Founding Fathers:
I’m sorry that after all we have been through as a nation that we cannot see when something is wrong under our very eyes.
I’m sorry that we have become so dependent on government instead of on ourselves.
I’m sorry that we care more for our enemies overseas than we do our allies.
I’m sorry that in times of tragedy that people will use their political beliefs to get their agendas across.
I’m sorry that we have been so arrogant as a Nation, thinking that nothing or no one will harm us.
I’m sorry that we are electing people to Office without vetting them.
I’m sorry that we have come to a point where free speech is considered a hate crime.
I’m sorry for those who think we are on the right track when we are coming so close to falling off a cliff, financially, economically, and morally.
I’m sorry that good is being called evil and that evil is being called good.
I’m sorry that people who live today do not realize the struggles you all went through to get yourselves from under the thumb of the British and make America what it is today.
I’m sorry that we have become a nation where we can sit back and watch someone die without even trying to help them.
I’m sorry that we are fast becoming the government from which you fought so hard to break away.
I’m sorry that we have a president who has been spitting on the Constitution ever since…ever since before he got into Office and after. In his opinion, the Constitution is flawed.
I’m sorry that after such tragedies like Fort Hood, Operation Fast and Furious, the oil spill in Florida, the theater shooting in Colorado, the death of Team SEAL Six, Benghazi, and just recently the shooting in an elementary school in Connecticut, that people still can’t see our President as someone who is only looking out for himself.
I’m sorry that we elected a president whose background includes: growing up around those who worshiped terrorism, racism, socialism, communism, Marxism, and Saul Alinsky. Add to that the fact that anyone who knew the president for what he really is and who tried to come forward and warn U.S. citizens, especially when he was running for President the first time, have been killed, or have disappeared.
I’m sorry we have a president who apologizes to other countries for America being America.
I’m sorry we have a president who supplies our enemies with OUR weapons.
I’m sorry we have a president who gets our men and women in uniform killed because he keeps bowing to our enemies and making their missions much more dangerous with ridiculous Rules of Engagement.
I’m sorry we have a president, a Senate, and a House of Representatives who continue to dig our country even deeper into debt while imposing disastrous regulations on small businesses while catering to big businesses, forcing banks to make "bad loans" in order to be ALLOWED to expand and in the process killing American jobs.
I’m sorry that we try to see the good in people—especially our elected officials-- when, day after day, year after year, they continue to intentionally hurt America and its people emotionally and physically.
I’m sorry that ignorance, stupidity, and gullibility is the new norm.
I’m sorry that the murdering of the unborn is just all right, when in the Declaration of Independence it clearly states that people have the right to LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I’m sorry that even America’s most patriotic people can’t even see the evil that pervades most of our elected officials, especially our current president who is the most evil, anti-America president that we have ever had.
I’m sorry that U.S. citizens take their rights-something that most countries do not have—for granted.
I’m sorry that, instead of telling people of certain religions and ethnic backgrounds to integrate, we have to treat them like they are someone special.
I’m sorry that hardworking, law-abiding citizens are having everything taken from them by those who do the opposite.
Most of all, I’m sorry that everything you all have fought and died for is being thrown away, daily. If all of you were here right now, you would probably look at us in disgust and think, ”If we knew America was going to be like this, we would not have ever broken away from Britain.”


No truer words have been spoken. She had summed up in 739 words what many have tried to say in in the past 20 years. America is suffering, and the Founders are probably spinning in their graves seeing the once beautiful country that they bled and died for being turned into the despotic cesspool that it is now, no thanks to Obama and his cronies. We need to do all that we can to take this country back. Everyone should ask themselves one question which I had spoken of in my editorial last week: Will you give up, or will you fight on?

Rundown for January 12, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (Host of Ballistic every Thursday at 11 PM on Own The Narrative) as they go through the week in news. This week was not a good one for CNN and Piers Morgan in particular. First it was Alex Jones of Infowars, then former Marine Joshua Boston, and finally Ben Shapiro of Breitbart that got the better of Morgan. Boston had then gotten the better of CNN Anchorette Randi Kaye on gun control. Also, a new Twitter hashtag had come to light to try to make the Twitter Gulag a thing of the past. All that and also your phone calls. This week will also feature the return of the ever popular Schmuck of the Week.

Come join us today for Red, Right, and Blue at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom at 30 minutes before the show to try to do some last minute show prep. If you want to engage the conversation there are three ways to do it.

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Hit OTNNetwork on your Skype
  • Use the hashtag #RedRightBlue and #OTNN if you are on Twitter

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a Liberal. This is going to be a very wonderful show that you do not want to miss.