Saturday, March 17, 2012

Elections are like College Football and Basketball Postseasons

With the College Basketball tournament in full motion, and reading all of the results from the past four days, I got to thinking about the past three election seasons. In a way, these election seasons are like a mix of both the College basketball and the College Football Postseason. Why do I also mention College Football?

Simply put, the past two presidential elections are like the College Football postseason in that the establishment (on both the Republican and Democrat sides) have forced their candidate on us, just like our two choices in the form of #1 vs. #2 in the insipid Bowl Championship Series standings.

Now while the past two presidential elections have our candidates already named for us, Congressional elections (as well as the Democrat Presidential Primary in 2008 and the Republican Presidential Primary now) are like the NCAA College Basketball Tournament in that just as the 68 (current) teams play to see who will be the National College Basketball Champion, WE THE PEOPLE vote for who we want as a nominee. Sometimes we see upsets (like mid-major Butler University making it to the Final Four the past couple of years only to lose in the National Championship game) and sometimes we see the favorites survive and win (like #1 seed Duke University in 2010). We also see buzzer-beater shots making people heroes (like Christian Laettner's buzzer beater as well as others in the following video)

and also shots making people goats (like Gordon Hayward missing the final second shot in the 2010 National Championship Game vs. Duke)

This year's Republican Presidential Primary has seen many people as front runners (Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, and Mitt Romney) and we have also seen many gaffes (like Perry's oops comment during a debate)

However, one constant has remained true throughout this primary. That is WE THE PEOPLE are deciding, and we will continue to decide the nominee, whether said nominee gets 1,144 delegates between now and June 26 (the last primary) or by way of a brokered (or contested) convention the week of August 27-30 at the Republican National Convention.

If you are an American and have not voted as of yet (in the states and territories that have primaries and caucii coming up) please exercise your privilege (Note: it is not a right to vote, as there is no right to vote in a presidential election, but that is for another show) to vote for whoever your candidate may be. Will your candidate be a Butler, or will your candidate be a Duke?




Join Harriet Baldwin and Rick Bulow (me) as they voter fraud and the upcoming elections.

Guests will include activist and film producer Bettina Viviano, producer of We Will Not Be Silenced 2008 - a documentary about how the Obama machine stole the nomination from Hillary Clinton.

Another guest will be Heather Lawver who will tell listeners about

2012 is a CRUCIAL election year- and we must keep our elections, fair and open. It's our duty and out RIGHT to be involved in the process. Not just in the Voting Booth- but at the grassroots level. As committeemen and poll watchers.

Hope you can come and join the fun! Phone number is 718-305-7176 and the chatroom link is

Tell your friends about the show and then come join the fun today at 1:30 PM Eastern.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

On the March 10 episode of Red, Right, and Blue

Join Rick Bulow and Harriet Baldwin as they bring you more on the vetting of Obama from the Breitbart tapes, and more, on Red, Right, and Blue.
Come and join us today at 1:30 PM Eastern!
Call-in number: 718-305-7176

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Today’s episode of Red, Right, and Blue will be all about:

  • The fallout from Michigan and Arizona
  • A Preview of Super Tuesday
  • My take on Obama’s apology to Afghanistan President Karzai
  • A Tribute to Andrew Breitbart
  • and more

It all goes down today at 2 PM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific, 9 AM Hawaiian.

So do not forget to tune in and alsocall in if you have anything you want to share. The number is 718-305-7176, and the link to the show is

Saturday, February 25, 2012

The rundown of today’s show

On today's debut episode of "Red, Right, and Blue":
  • Who is Rick Bulow?
  • What made him decide to go into talk radio?
  • Why did he choose the name he did for his show?
  • And more, including YOUR phone calls
It all goes down today at 2 PM Eastern, 11 AM Pacific, 9 AM Hawaiian
Call-in number: 718-305-7176
Show URL:

Friday, February 24, 2012


Welcome to Red, Right, and Blue hosted by Rick Bulow. This blog will feature the rants which I will be sharing on the air every Saturday. The initial debut show will be tomorrow, Saturday February 25, 2012, at 2 PM Eastern Time.The show tomorrow will just be an introduction highlighting how I came up with the name and why I decided to go into talk radio. I will also be taking phone calls as well, so if you have any questions or comments or rotten produce you want to toss at me on the air tomorrow please do so. The number and other information is in the About tab.