Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rundown for June 9, 2012

Today we will be speaking primarily about the United Nations’ Agenda 21 with Victoria Baer. I will also be speaking about the Scott Walker victory in the Tuesday Recall Election and also bring up the latest on the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Also heard this week, Neal Boortz (aka the High Priest of the Church of the Painful Truth, Mighty Whitey, and the Talkmaster) is retiring effective inauguration day 2013 with Herman Cain taking his place.

All this and more including YOUR calls. Come join us today at 1:30 PM Eastern. The URL for the chatroom is and the phone number to call in is 718-305-7176. You can also use Skype to call in as well. Just look for the little Skype Button next to the phone number on the top of the show page as soon as the show starts. Once it appears, just press it and follow the instructions to put you on the air. Also, when you call in to the show, whether on the phone or on Skype, make sure you cut the volume on whatever player you are listening to the show in as that creates a lot of background noise with the echo from the show on in two places.

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