Saturday, August 10, 2013

Rundown for August 10, 2013

join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter ( Host of the Cotter Café on Own The Narrative) as they give you the news of the week. This week Reince Preibus, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, has lashed back against CNN and NBC for planning to air the Hillary Clinton film. What did he say? How did CNN and NBC react? Also, there are major changes at Fox News Channel and it has one host over at CNN up in arms. Who is this host and what did he say? All that and more including your phone calls, on the show today

Come join us today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central, for another wonderful episode of Red, Right, and Blue. I will be in the chatroom (located at 30 minutes early for some last minute show prep and a meet and greet. If you want to engage the conversation during the show, there are three ways to do it:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter but unable to access the chatroom, you can use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN throughout the show.

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a Liberal. This is bound to be a wonderful show as always complete with an announcement by me as well. If you want to know what the announcement is, you are going to have to tune in to see what it is or wait until I announce it on my blogs.

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