Saturday, July 14, 2012

Wise words to live by



On July 9, 2012, in Patriots United Against Obama Propaganda on Facebook my good friend Diane Sori was upset at the actions of a few people and went off on a massive major rant.

OK is rant day, I am furious and some of the whining and negativity has given me a freakin' splitting headache! First, if I hear one more freakin' thing about ROMNEY being a Mormon I WILL scream! What the hell is wrong with a Mormon...and I am saying that rhetorically as we have a damn muzzie in the WH right now! I have NO problems with Mormons and any ultra religious bigot that does needs to get over themselves! A muzzie or a Mormon...that should be a NO brainer!

Second, ROMNEY is NOT a flip-flopper! Everyone is entitled to change their minds, to change their opinions as they learn more about an issue. Maybe he learned something he did NOT know before...NOBODY absolutely NOBODY is perfect and NO two people will agree on everything 100% of the time, so again get over your, 'but he changed his mind...he flipped' selves! I bet everyone of you has changed your minds at some time.

Third...this is NOT God's battle! This is OUR battle, it's OUR job to save OUR's NOT God's job to save us every time we make a mess of something. Ask God for guidance, ask God for strength, ask God for whatever you think might help you but then get off your knees and get out in the trenches and FIGHT! Remember Joshua at Jericho if need be but STOP sitting back and saying God will save us because he won't! We and only we will save us if we unite together and fight for OUR country.

Fourth...STOP the damn whining already that it's ROMNEY and NOT RS, HC, NG or whomever you's ROMNEY get over it! Help him do NOT work AGAINST him with all the bullsh*t about a brokered convention that Sarah will now be the nominee, or Newt, or whomever because it's MITT, period! The confirmed delegates are there, committed and MITT IS IT! Now either unite with him and help save our country or just SHUT the you-know-what up! UNITED WE STAND and WILL WIN...DIVIDED WE COULD LOOSE!

Fifth...NO crap about voting third party as a third party vote IS a vote for Obama. And NOT voting is NOT an option. This election is the most critical in our nation's history so either be part of the solution instead of adding to the problem!

And sixth, if I hear any more whining, but, but, but...or anything to that effect not only will I scream but I'll start hitting the delete button and I really don't want to do that. Wake up people...this is our last chance...our very last chance so let's get it right because 4 more years of Obama will be the end of our beloved country as we know her and you whiners, complainers, instigators, trouble-makers, bigots, and assorted other divisive driven sour grapers WILL be the cause of it!

UNITED WE WIN...DIVIDED WE's that simple!

Diane is right. We NEED to get behind Romney NOW or else we will LOSE this country. As Benjamin Franklin said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, “We must, indeed, all hang together, or assuredly we shall all hang separately.” And as Andrew Breitbart said, “If you are not behind the nominee, then more than shame on you. You on the other side.”

Basically, the question you need to ask yourself come November is this: Do you stand FOR America, or are you AGAINST America? Choose you this day where you are. But as for me and my show, we stand FOR America.

The rundown for July 14, 2012

On the show today, Rick Bulow and Tricia Baber will have the purveyors of The People’s Vote, Chuck Kirkpatrick and Daria DiGiovanni, on for the entire two hours and also taking YOUR calls, chatroom questions, and tweets. The Twitter hashtag is #RedRightBlue if you are listening but not in the chatroom and want to ask questions or comment. They will be read on the air.

Come and join us! The link for the show page is and we will also be simulcast on as well. If you want to call in, you have two options. One is to call the studio line at 718-305-7176 and you can also call in via Skype. As soon as the show starts the Skype button will appear next to the number above the show description. Press on it and follow the instructions to get on the air. The show starts at 1:30 PM Eastern and the Chatroom will open 30 minutes before if you want to come in and talk to the hosts. Do tell your friends about the show as it is bound to be educational and informative!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Great American Individual and Patriot

For today’s editorial, I will introduce you to a great American Patriot. Listen to this clip by Alfonzo “Zo” Rachel of “ZoNation” as he speaks on the Great American Individual and Patriot

And for those of you who had not heard the entire version, you can catch the entire clip here.

The Rundown for July 7, 2012

On today’s show we will be having open calls. That means whatever the callers dictate we will go. However, with Independence Day being a few days ago there is something that needs to be said about it as well. Also, there is an update on the Brett Kimberlin issue which is a HUGE win for the First Amendment and for bloggers.

All this and more on “Red, Right, and Blue” Today at 1:30 PM Eastern. The chatroom will be open 30 minutes before at if you want to come interact with the hosts. You can also call in to the show, and there are two ways to call in. One way is to call 718-305-7176. The other way is to use Skype to call in. Just hit the S button at the top of the page (next to the call-in number after the show starts) and just follow the instructions then you will be posited in the phone queue.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Supreme Court Week in Review

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way--in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

These words are the opening words to Charles Dickens' epic novel "A Tale of Two Cities" which was written in 1859, but they could indeed fit what had happened with the Supreme Court, nay in all of America, this past week. With the Supreme Court's bookmark rulings beginning with the ruling for Arizona in part and for Obama in part with the SB1070 ruling on Monday, and then ending with the mixed ruling on ObamaCare.

Let us begin with the ObamaCare ruling first. There are many who say that it was a bad decision by Chief Justice Roberts, but I say that he was correct in his ruling. The reason I say such is because he had handed the election over to Romney in voting the way he did. If he had voted the other way, Obama would have CLEARLY derided the decision as a ruling right down party lines and say that the Supreme Court is TOO Conservative. In this way he will not blame the Supreme Court for him being a SCOAMF. Also, what Roberts has done was made it a tax which means that it only takes 51 Senators to vote for repeal, not the 60 that it took to ram ObamaCare down our throats in 2009. And as Romney himself has said, once he is elected president, he will repeal ObamaCare.

Now on to the ruling for Arizona in SB1070. After Obama had heard the ruling he in a sense told Homeland Security to tell Arizona that they are on their own, which is typical Obama fashion. If he does not like a ruling or a vote, he basically blames everybody but himself for it. That is also typical Liberal mindset. If they do not get a job, the boss is to blame. They do bad on a test, the professor is to blame. They get into a car crash, the other driver is to blame. They never look in the mirror and say they are doing the things to get themselves in the position they are in.

Ladies and gentlemen, this Supreme Court had shown us just how important this election is in November. As I had mentioned in a tweet on Thursday, The Supreme Court left us no choice now. In order to repeal ObamaCare, we must Repeal Obama in November.

The Rundown for June 30, 2012

On today’s show, the Supreme Court’s decisions of this week will be discussed. Also the vote to put Eric Holder in both Criminal AND Civil Contempt of Congress was this week.  What was the result and why did 108 Representatives walk out of the Capitol and not vote up or down on it?

All that and more today on Red, Right, and Blue at 1:30 PM Eastern. Come join us at 1 PM Eastern in the chatroom at Also, when the show starts on Saturday you can call in at 718-305-7176 and you can also use Skype to call in.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

A vote for any but Romney is a vote for Obama

Apparently it seems like after I had presented a thought out argument on March 24, 1012 and continued it on March 31, 2012 where I spoke out AGAINST voting for a third party, it seems SOME PEOPLE still speak on voting third party even AFTER I had provided LOGICAL MATH AND HISTORY AGAINST IT! So let me reiterate one more time


In other words, you are either ALL IN FOR OBAMA  or you are ALL IN FOR ROMNEY! If you sit at home or vote for anyone else then it is a throwaway vote for Obama. I hear many of you say that is impossible but it is so true. We need look no further than 1992 when Ross Perot hindered the People from 4 more years of George H.W. Bush. Had Perot not have run, I feel Bush 41 would have won because most of the Perot votes were AGAINST Bush. This election the third party votes sway AGAINST Romney and are FOR Obama.

Don’t believe me? Well try this out. Take two cups and label one Republican and one Democrat. Then take a third cup and label it Other (for Write-IN, No-Vote, or Third Party) and place it next to the other two. Now put 50 pennies in that cup for those who do not vote. Place 500 pennies in the other two cups. If you take even ONE PENNY from the Republican OR the Democrat cup right off the bat for a write-in or a third party vote, that cup has 499 while the other cup has 500. Therefore, you have one cup with more pennies. Therefore, you have in a sense removed one person’s chances of winning. The only way for that person to have a chance of winning (or if the one cup wants to have more pennies) is if you take one of the 50 pennies from that third cup and put it in the cup that has 499.

To put it into a historical perspective, look at the map from 1992 for another example. Bill Clinton had 44,909,806 votes and George H.W. Bush had 39,104,550 votes. Now Ross Perot (the only viable third party candidate on the ballot as the others were crumb bums and shoe clerks) had 19,743,821 votes. With the close margin Clinton won over Bush (six million voters or so) those 20 million votes Perot siphoned away from Bush would have been enough to give Bush a second term. Also, it is interesting to note the Electoral Vote count. Clinton had 370 electoral votes to Bush’s 168. If you look, Perot and the other third party candidates had NO ELECTORAL VOTES so they did not make much of an electoral difference but they did as far as the popular votes go.

If based on those two examples you still feel that a third party or a write in vote is the way to go, then you are voting for Obama. Allow me to posit these two quotes from former Red, Right, and Blue Co-Host Harriet Baldwin:

  • Let me be clear: This is the MOST important election in our lifetimes. We MUST get behind the nominee-whoever it may be. A vote for ANY "third party candidate" is a vote for The Fraud aka Barack Hussein Obama. You are either with America or against America. Voting for Third Party or sitting on your sorry azz is unaccepatable.
  • Get involved. Get informed. COMMUNICATE. This "Third Party" talk is FINE after 2012. Not now. Imagine what this America-hating Usurper will do as a Lame Duck? Give me a break. End of America.

    IF we do not vote for Mitt Romney in November, then this WILL be our future during an Obama second term

    I do not know about you, but the opening lyrics to this song sum up the 2012 presidential election:

    This election, there’s no room in the middle, no room on the fence. There’s no room in the middle it doesn’t make sense. You are either all in for Obama or all in for Romney, and as Andrew Breitbart had said at CPAC back in February, “If you’re not in that bunker because you’re not satisfied with that candidate (in this case Romney), more than shame on you. You’re on the other side.”

    Ladies and gentlemen, we need to save America, and the only one to do it is Romney. Any other vote this election is a vote for Obama which is the same thing as a vote against America. As the last clip shows, are you with us Patriots and REAL AMERICANS or are you on the other side? Those of you who are fence-sitters, those of you who are just toeing the line until you see who will come out of the convention, have to make your choice RIGHT NOW! Romney has the delegates needed so he IS the nominee. If you are not for Romney then you are for Obama.

  • The Rundown for June 23, 2012

    On today’s show, we will delve right into the talk of the 2012 election and talk of a third party in totality.  I had a couple of people ask me to show my work and just how I have come up with this theory, and so I will. Also, co-host Tricia Baber has done research on it as well and we will both prove to you once and for all that for this election you are either ALL-IN for Romney or you are ALL-IN for Obama.

    This all goes down at 1:30 PM Eastern. If you want to call in and give your opinion on this as well, you can. The phone number is 718-305-7176. The chatroom at will be open 30 minutes if you want to come in early and chat with us. Also, be sure to tell your friends about the show and get them to listen in. We will also be simulcast on as well.

    Saturday, June 16, 2012

    44th Rant: Mitt Romney IS our choice NOW

    Toni Walsh, a good friend of mine from The Patriot Zone on Facebook, really put things into perspective with this post.

    Mitt Romney was not my 1st choice as the nominee. As a matter of fact, he wasn't even my 2nd, 3rd, or 4th choice. The person I really wanted was Buddy Roemer. I realized Buddy wouldn't make it, so Herman Cain was my next choice. I was constantly reading posts by a certain group that were trying to warn us how evil he was....he was a danger to our country. After Cain was taken down, that same group tried warning us how evil & dangerous Newt is. After Newt was out of it, we were warned just how evil & dangerous Santorum is. Now we're being warned just how evil & dangerous Romney is.
    What the heck were all these warning supposed to accomplish? I'm thinking it didn't accomplish what they were hoping the ultimate goal would be
    The focus has been taken off Obama's failures & the destruction he is doing to our country. Instead the focus switched to actually dividing the GOP.
    Is Romney perfect? Nah!
    Do I agree with him on everything? Nah!
    Do I suddenly have amnesia & forget what I didn't like about him? Nah!
    Do I think he can possibly turn this economy around? Yep!
    Do I think he'll be a better president then the current occupant? Yep!
    Do I believe he loves America & is not out to destroy her? HELL YEAH!!

    I am now a Romney supporter!! Yep.....I said it!! I AM A ROMNEY SUPPORTER!
    And I will fight like hell to get him elected when he becomes the official nominee after the convention! I hope others will join me in the fight to get him elected & get Obama OUT!

    Ladies and gentlemen, these words are SO very true. If we want Obama out of the White House in November, we HAVE to support Mitt Romney RIGHT NOW, June 16, 2012, at 8 AM Eastern. I said this before, and I will say it again, if you vote for a third party, not vote for President at all, or even write in a vote, then you are voting for Obama and encouraging him to stay in office. TRUE PATRIOTS support the only nominee capable of beating Obama. Granted, there are 10 - 15 candidates on the ballot for President, but the only ones who REALLY matter are the Republican nominee and the Democrat nominee because they are the only ones who get the electoral votes. Not once (at least that I know of) has a third party gotten a single electoral vote in the past 100 years or so. If you want a VIABLE third party, then see about making one after this election in November, because all this talk of a third party seeks to more or less divide the votes needed to get Obama out of office. There is no talk of a brokered convention either because of the fact that Romney has over 1400 delegates. As my good friend Titan92 from Own The Narrative says, "Romney's nomination is baked in the cake."

    This election is all about saving the republic or letting it die, and the vote and choice is yours. As for me, my vote is for Romney because I love America and want to save her from Obama and his socialistic ways.

    The Rundown for June 16, 2012

    On Today’s show:

    • a few updates on the Kimberlin saga,
    • Romney v. Obama in Ohio on Thursday
    • Predictions on the electoral college from Ace of Spades (and also from myself)
    • The latest Biden gaffe
    • The latest Rasmussen Poll has Romney ahead of Obama in Wisconsin

    All that and more today on Red, Right, and Blue. The address to the chat is and the phone number is 718-305-7176. You can also use Skype to call in as well. As soon as the show starts you can click on the little Skype button at the top of the page next to the phone number. Then you just follow the instructions and join in.

    Saturday, June 9, 2012

    An Open Letter to the Left in Wisconsin

    Initially I had not planned on an editorial, but after reading this post from my good friend Alan D. Vera in the Patriot Zone, I changed my mind.
    Friends -
    An open “thank you letter” written by a conservative friend and patriot, relating what it’s been like to live in Wisconsin the past 18 month & his reaction to yesterday’s election... sincere and “inclusive” of most of the usual suspects. Glad it’s finally 0over. Glad the good guys won.
    Randy Otto
    To all leftists, occupiers, unionistas and malcontents,
    Thank you! What an election! We couldn't have done it without you. Without your tantrums, outbursts and boorish behavior we might have stayed home for this election. Without your mindless minions occupying and violating the Capitol we might have been complacent. Without your obnoxious protests, boycotts and other actions from your union playbook, we might have sat this one out.
    But you couldn't hold back. You couldn't restrain yourselves and behave like adults. You couldn't accept the 2010 election results. We sat and watched as you erupted in a juvenile hissy fit that embarrassed Wisconsin. The spectacle you created is what motivated us. And thanks to your ill-mannered behavior, we won. We turned out. Big time! And now we are organized and energized. Committed. "All in". And we aren't going away. We now have our own organizations (no dues required), an army of volunteers and the means to communicate. And countless new sources of funding, including a donor base from all 50 states. And we have "iverifytherecall" to ferret out your infiltrators in our future local elections.
    So thank you Mike Tate, Graeme Zielinski, Fred "Loonie" Levenhagen, Ismael Ozanne, Maryanne Sumi, Noble Ray, Charles Tubbs, Joanne Kloppenberg, Segway Boy, John Chisolm, public employee union members, UW TA's, WEAC, SEIU, MTI, AFSCME Council 24 in Union Grove and WI prison guards. Thanks for the death threats, the intimidation, the bullying, belligerence, thuggery and goonish behavior. The lack of ethics and the failure to enforce rules and laws. Thank you for putting your selfish, greedy motives on display for all taxpayers to see.
    Your antics might have made you feel good but they didn't make you look good. They sickened the rest of us.
    Thank you Shirley Abrahamson and Ann Walsh Bradley. Your petty politics woke us up. Thank you Miles Kristan for dumping the beer on Robin Vos's head. Thank you University doctors for writing the phony excuses; Madison teachers for calling in sick or dragging your students to the protests without permission. Thank you Katherine Windels for making death threats against the Governor. The noontime Capitol singers who taunted Sheboygan high school students. Thank you WEA Trust for raping Wisconsin taxpayers. Thank you Gwen Moore & Jesse Jackson for your embarrassing minstrel show. And thanks all of you for harassing the Walker family at their private home.
    You have all been exposed. Your tactics have been rejected. Your bad behavior has been forever captured on You Tube.
    Thank you Peter Barca and fellow Assembly members for donning your foolish orange T-shirts and screaming "shame" at legislators just doing their jobs.
    Thank you Mark Miller and all 14 State Senators for fleeing the state and making fools of yourselves in the process. Illinois needs a few more village idiots. Thanks for showing us what democracy doesn't look like.
    And Mayor Barrett. How grateful we are that you chose one low road after another in your issue-less campaign against the Governor. This was your strike three. You are out. Take a seat on the bench and stay there. I have a hunch this was your final at-bat.
    Your blatantly self-indulgent and frankly narcissistic tirade helped turn Wisconsin permanently red. Your Governor, Scott Walker, will not just complete his first term, he is all but assured as many future gubernatorial terms as he seeks. He will be your governor for a long, long time. Get used to it. And his national "rock star" status just might lead him to higher office some day.
    Just think: it couldn't have happened without you!
    So to all of you blue fisters, thank you from the bottom of my happy, red heart.
    A Wisconsin taxpayer

    Rundown for June 9, 2012

    Today we will be speaking primarily about the United Nations’ Agenda 21 with Victoria Baer. I will also be speaking about the Scott Walker victory in the Tuesday Recall Election and also bring up the latest on the 2012 Presidential Campaign. Also heard this week, Neal Boortz (aka the High Priest of the Church of the Painful Truth, Mighty Whitey, and the Talkmaster) is retiring effective inauguration day 2013 with Herman Cain taking his place.

    All this and more including YOUR calls. Come join us today at 1:30 PM Eastern. The URL for the chatroom is and the phone number to call in is 718-305-7176. You can also use Skype to call in as well. Just look for the little Skype Button next to the phone number on the top of the show page as soon as the show starts. Once it appears, just press it and follow the instructions to put you on the air. Also, when you call in to the show, whether on the phone or on Skype, make sure you cut the volume on whatever player you are listening to the show in as that creates a lot of background noise with the echo from the show on in two places.

    Saturday, June 2, 2012

    #TwitterGulag and it’s ties to Brett Kimberlin

    For the past 2 months, a new term had come into our vocabulary called Twitter Gulag (or as is well known on Twitter #TwitterGulag) but nobody really knows about it or why it is about. I had initially become aware of it about the end of April when I had heard that Twitter had suspended Chris Loesch’s (@ChrisLoesch) account three times in the span of 2 hours, including when he was only back for 45 minutes before being blocked again. Thanks to his wife Dana Loesch (@DLoesch), Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) Twitchy Team (@TwitchyTeam) and others, Chris’ account was reinstated.

    Since then, many conservatives have had their Twitter account suspended, most recently David Morgan, who goes by the Twitter account @BlueLantern02. For some time it was unknown as to how accounts get suspended, but thanks to a site known as The Trenches, we have the inside story as to how #TwitterGulag was formed and what we can do to stop it.

    Here are a few excerpts from the article:

    Thanks to the work of Twitter user @SemperBanU (SBU) (give a follow, if you feel like it), the exploit, and how it was disseminated among Lefty’s has become apparent. According to SBU, what the Lefty jerks discovered is that the “block and report for spam feature”  IS COMPLETELY AUTOMATED. There is not a human sitting at the other end to review the reports, there’s just a computer, and like any machine, it can be fooled.

    So let’s say you’re a new Twitter user. You find your way to the #tcot realm, and start following certain prominent conservatives, like Dana Loesch (@DLoesch),  or Sean Hannity (@SeanHannity). You see that they will sometimes reply to  random fellow conservative users. So you start to @ reply their tweets, in hopes of becoming part of the conversation or getting a retweet.

    Now, here comes the system exploit. So when you @ reply them, the Twitter system sees this as an “unsolicited reply”, meaning you are tweeting the person without them having asked you to. (Much like Spambots do.) Now, a large quantity of “unsolicited” replies, along with an imbalanced following/follower ratio, and what will that computer think? That you’re a spambot yourself.


    So if some of the Lefty’s that are aware of this exploit happen across you , they can hit you with the “Block and Report for Spam” button, and the Twitter computer at the other end will look at those factors, see that it meets the criteria, and suspend the account.  SBU also notes that along with @ replies, diving into a hashtag too vigorously can also make one vulnerable. Think #STOPRUSH and some of the users who seemed to get dinged by this attack when they wandered into that tag.

    So basically the system is automatically run and there is nobody working it. Fair enough, but is there more behind this system? Let us read further on shall we?

    According to SBU, the originator of this attack seems to be one Neal Rauhauser. (Shocking I know). At the beginning of April, Rauhauser began to contact Charles Johnson (@lizardoid and of Little Green Footballs fame), an unholy alliance if there ever was one. Rauhauser passed this fun little exploit along to Jazzytail (Charles – see: his ponytail), and Jazzytail passed it along to HIS followers and comrades, with the specific intent of targeting conservative types.

    Now I know you are probably thinking that the name Neil Rauhauser sounds familiar. Well he is, as he is an associate of none other than Brett Kimberlin, the infamous Speedway Bomber and the one who had just this past Tuesday won a hearing (AUDIO) and got a peace order against Aaron Walker so Walker cannot blog, talk, or even mention Kimberlin for the remainder of the year.

    In fact, Brandon Darby (@BrandonDarby) had recently engaged Occupy Rebellion (@OccupyRebellion) with the fact that he is Brett Kimberlin or associated with him.

    Now that we have Kimberlin on the defensive, what can we do to maintain it? The answer, according to The Trenches, is simple.

    We can adjust our habits, but I’d rather not. This is an attack meant to discourage people from freely associating with those they want to, and there can be no doubt that it is, indeed, an attack on free speech. Hit one of Jazzytail’s criteria, and he’ll send his henchmen your way to click that Block and Report button.

    But, seeing as how Twitter’s liberal bias is pretty well confirmed, perhaps if fire was fought with fire here, and a bunch of butthurt Lefty’s start complaining to Twitter about this particular exploit, something might actually happen.

    This election has taken on a whole new spin, especially as what had been brought out over the past week on not only this show but other shows like TB-TV and even on Fox News. We need to use this information and turn the tables on the left en route to winning the White House, maintaining the House of Representatives, and winning the Senate in November. It is in this manner that we can shut down Twitter Gulag. Until then, we need to keep the pressure on Twitter to free those who are held in Twitter Gulag, and I will keep an update as to who is in there and also their accounts so we can get them freed.

    The Rundown For June 2, 2012

    On today’s show:

    • An update on the Brett Kimberlin saga
    • An update on the presidential race and what is next for Mitt Romney after he clinched the nomination with his win at Texas on Tuesday

    All this and more including your calls. Come join us at and call in to 718-305-7176. you can also Skype in after the show starts. Right above the show description is a box which says “Call in to speak with the host” and then the number. When the show goes live, there is the skype insignia which appears next to the number. Click on it and follow the instructions.

    Saturday, May 26, 2012

    The Rundown for May 26, 2012

    Today on Red, Right, and Blue:

    All that and more coming up today as hosts Rick Bulow, Tricia Baber, and Producer Nicole Parr bring you two hours of news and views from a citizen’s point of view. Come and join them in the chatroom at and you can also call in to 718-305-7176 to give your opinions or ask your questions to the guests.

    Brett Kimberlin

    The year was 1978. The place was Speedway, Indiana. Eight bombs were set off in the span of several days. One of the bombs blew up a police car, and another blew the right leg off of a Vietnam Veteran. The bomb also severely injure the Veteran's left leg, and the damage was too great for him that he committed suicide in 1983. Police suspect a man, Brett Kimberlin, of the bombings after several store clerks mentioned that he procured bomb making materials. Also during this time an elderly lady was shot in the head because she disapproved of Kimberlin's relationship with her granddaughter.

    Kimberlin was arrested along with others in a massive drug smuggling operation in Texas and was sentenced to 50 years in federal prison on impersonating a military official in addition to his convictions for the bombings and the drug smuggling charges. He was somehow paroled in the early 1990's and is now a left wing activist for Velvet Revolution along with Brad Friedman. It is interesting to note that he claimed that while in prison he sold drugs to Dan Quayle. Also, it is interesting to note that he is receiving funds from such liberal organizations and people such as Barbra Streisand, Teresa Heinz Kerry, The Tides Foundation and (mayhap) even George Soros himself.

    Why am I bringing all of this up now? It has come to my attention that there have been several conservative bloggers (such as Mandy Nagy the Liberty Chick, Patterico, the late Andrew Breitbart, and now Robert Stacy McCain of The Other McCain) who have been harassed by him to the point some had lost jobs, had to move away or (possibly) even lost their life. This past Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, I was fortunate to sit in on a call with Robert Stacy McCain and heard him recount the ordeal of his dealings with Kimberlin and his associates. Ladies and Gentlemen, Kimberlin is the perfect model for the Left's alinskyesque ways, and why he needs to be stopped. I think it is messed up when the Tea Party is being derided and also when a man who had helped us get Bin Laden in Pakistan is sent away to jail for 33 years, yet KNOWN domestic terrorists like Brett Kimberlin and Bill Ayers are still out there roaming the streets without a care in the world.

    Lee Stranahan, personal friend of Andrew Breitbart and the host of Darby Stranahan on BlogTalk Radio, had put together a wonderful video as to who Brett Kimberlin is. I know he had said that he declared May 25 as "Blog about Kimberlin Day" but after hearing about this I am of the belief that EVERY DAY should be Blog about Kimberlin Day as we need to get the word out there daily and let the BlameStream Media know just how dangerous Kimberlin is and that we are putting him on notice for causing ordinary citizen journalists to live their lives in fear daily.

    (Thanks to Patterico and also to Robert Stacy McCain and Liberty Chick for opening our eyes to this menace)

    Saturday, May 19, 2012

    Career Politicians

    Another election season is in the works. If you are not seeing them already, you will be seeing commercials on TV or mailings in your email or through the United States Postal Service from your Representative wanting more money and/or your support for them in the upcoming election. Chances are said politician has been in office for 20 or 40 years and done nothing for your district. You are wondering why you continue to vote for that politician and had nothing to show for it. Is there someone out there who has YOUR best interests at heart?

    Well there is. That organization is called GOOOH, which stands for Get Out Of Our House. It is very fitting as the organization intends to vote out all 435 members of the House of Representatives and replace them with citizen activist, citizen statesmen if you will. GOOOH has people in all 50 states and 435 Congressional Districts with that sole purpose. Each district has three rounds (sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the district) of intense, competitive “citizen conventions” designed to pick a single candidate which is represented by GOOOH and also by the people of said conventions. Will they be successful? I do not know, but do know that it will be up to the people of that particular district if they are. The question to ask is: “are you happy with the same old career politicians who are working for the lobbyists, or do you want a citizen statesman looking out for your interest?”

    On today’s show you will be hearing one of these citizen statesmen. His name is Byron Donalds, and he will be representing the 19th District of Florida, where I reside. Just a bit of history the 19th District was renumbered due to the Census of 2010. Before that it was the 14th District and had been represented by Connie Mack IV (who is vacating his seat to run for the Senate) since 2005. Mr. Donalds is a businessman and a self-described constitutional conservative. He has never before competed for nor served in public office. Mr. Donalds is highly intelligent, straightforward, and refreshingly willing to put a stake in the ground on a wide variety of critical issues such as the economy and taxes, debt reduction, and healthcare reform among others. On August 14, he will be involved in a primary to see who will advance to the General Election on November 6.

    Beginning now and through November 6, let us tell the career politicians to GOOOH!

    The rundown for May 19, 2012

    On the show today, I will be having Byron Donalds on the show, Byron is running for the 19th Congressional District (formerly the 14th congressional district which is my own district and which was represented by Connie Mack IV, who is leaving the District seat to run for the Senate seat against “Wild” Bill Nelson) and will be on the air from 1:30 – 2:15 PM Eastern. The first 30 minutes we will be talking about his campaign and then at 2 PM Keith Flaugh, Director of GOOOH for Southwest Florida, will be calling in and for the final 15 minutes of Byron’s time we will be discussing the process Byron has gone through in order to be the nominee. Then we will continue the GOOOH discussion about how it came about and also what the plan is for the future. As today is also Armed Forces Day I will be thanking the Armed Forces in my own unique way.

    All this and more will be discussed on Red, Right, and Blue at 1:30 PM Eastern. The chatroom at will be open 30 minutes beforehand. ALSO, the show will be simulcast on Own The Narrative as well. The phone number is 718-305-7176 and you can also Skype in as soon as the show starts. The Skype button will appear next to the phone number at the top of the show page. Be sure to come and join us for the fun and frivolity that is Red, Right, and Blue.

    Saturday, May 12, 2012

    Mitt Romney is the nominee. Now what?

    “And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two” (Matthew 5:41 NASB)

    All right, so Mitt Romney is the nominee. Is he our first choice? No, but the establishment has us over a barrel to elect him. As soon as Romney is elected in November 6, we have the chance to flip the barrel and take the establishment to the woodshed. How can we do that? I don’t have the answer, but actually read something from a blog article posited by my good friend Felicia Cravens (aka @somethingfishie on Twitter)

    Jimmie Bise Jr. has an answer.  Go to the site for his radio show "The Delivery" and download the podcast from April 4th.  Listen to the whole hour.  Jimmie rants about the Romney candidacy, and does it in a way that I find quite eloquent.  But Jimmie doesn't just rant.  Jimmie proposes a Grand Bargain.
    I couldn't say it as well as he does:
    "I've reached a compromise in my head with the Republican Party...

    "I am going to extend some credit to the Republican party.  I am going to vote for Mitt Romney.  I am going to do my very best, consistent with my ability to keep my own intellectual integrity intact.  I am going to recommend to my friends that they vote for Mitt Romney... I want Mitt Romney to beat Barack Obama.  I will do whatever I have to do to drag this dead horse over the finish line.

    "That's what I'm going to give the Republican party... Republicans, that what you get from me.  I don't want to do this, I don't like doing this, but I will do it.  I'll do it because, quite honestly, you have me behind the eight ball.

    "But know this, Republican Party; after November, I am no longer behind the eight ball.  And I don't have to do anything else for you at all...

    "So here's where the compromise comes in...  I'll drag his bloated ideological corpse where it has to be...
    but I want something in return... You have dragooned me into doing something for you....

    "I'm telling you, you're not going to have me locked to this oar forever... after November, you start paying me back...

    "I will not do this again.

    "No more, Republicans, I'm done with this.  WE are done with this.  All those tea party people that right now you think you have under your thumb, they're there till November."
    Hear the rest at The Delivery, and tell me what you think.  I think I could live with this, the way Jimmie puts it.

    Like I had been positing in the past in recent editorials, Obama has to go, and the only one to defeat him in November is Mitt Romney. May we do all we can to make it so and make Obama a one-term president.

    The rundown for May 12, 2009

    Join Rick Bulow and Patricia Baber today as they give a different look on the news with no spin. Today they will also welcome Nicole Parr (aka Own The Narrative Network’s PITA) into the family as the show’s producer. Also on the show:

    • 40% of West Virginians voted for a convicted felon over Obama in the primary on Tuesday,
    • Indiana voted for Richard Mourdock over Dick Lugar (thus lending to the term first coined by a caller to the Dana Loesch Show “Indiana hocked a Lugar”)
    • Obama came out of the closet in support of Gay Marriage

    All that and more today on Red, Right, and Blue starting at 1:30 PM Eastern. The chatroom will open 30 minutes earlier both on and now simulcast on if you want to join in the chat. The phone number to call in is 718-305-7176 AND you can Skype in as well as soon as the show starts. The Skype button will appear next to the number on the BlogTalk Radio show page when the show goes live. Come and join in on the fun because if you know Rick and Patricia, you just never know what they will say next!