Saturday, August 31, 2013

What makes a TRUE AMERICAN?

Over the past 7 weeks on this very show you had heard me go through the article in Imprimis, which is put out by Hillsdale College, from October 2012 entitled “Is America Exceptional?” by Norman Podhoretz. This led me to wondering just what a TRUE AMERICAN really is. My good friend Alan D. Vera had posted the following on Facebook and after reading it, I know just what a TRUE AMERICAN is.

You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
It never occurred to you to be offended by the phrase, 'One nation, under God.'
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You've never protested about seeing the 10 Commandments posted in public places.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You still say 'Christmas' instead of 'Winter Festival.'
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You bow your head when someone prays.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You stand and place your hand over your heart when they play the National Anthem.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You treat Viet Nam vets with great respect, and always have.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You've never burned an American flag.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You know what you believe and you aren't afraid to say so, no matter who is listening.
You might be a TRUE AMERICAN if:
You respect your elders and expect your kids to do the same.
God Bless the U S A ! Amen

As some of you know, when I started this show I started out with Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue by Toby Keith as it is COURTESY of the Red, White, and Blue that I was able to host this very show, which I took the title from if you think on it. In fact, let me play that song for you right now:

After Barack Obama stole the election on November 6, I got to thinking of  a new theme song for the show, and as you heard at the top I had found a good one in Real American by Rick Derringer. Just listen to the chorus:

I am a real American
fight for the rights of every man
I am a real American
fight for what's right
fight for your life

For those of you on Twitter who had seen the #RedRightBlue hashtag you might have seen me mention that it is time for #RedRightBlue on #OTNN – a REAL SHOW for REAL AMERICANS. Well it is true. Just like what Alan said about true Americans, the same thing can be said for Real Americans.

Rundown for August 31, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Justin Kendall (producer of Red, Right, and Blue and the voice of FTR Radio) as they go through the week in news. This week a military panel sentenced Nidal Hassan to death for the attack on Fort Hood in 2009 that killed 13 and wounded many others. How should he die? Will it be soon? Also, the 50th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech was this past week. Has the Left ruined it? What was said at the anniversary speeches? And Miley Cyrus was a lil twerky at the Video Music Awards Sunday. What did she do? What is the backlash from it? All that and more including your calls on the show today.

Come join us today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central for Red, Right, and Blue. I will be in the chatroom (which is located at http://www, 30 minutes early for some last-minute show prep and also a meet and greet. If you want to engage the conversation during the show there are three ways to do it:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a Liberal. The show is bound to always be a #blastyhoot and you do not want to miss it.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

American Exceptionalism (Part 7)

Podhoretz wraps up his speech on American Exceptionalism with a very exceptional challenge to us

In spite of all this, the liberal community seems to think that the rest of the world would be better off without the United States, or at least with it following the policy of “leading from behind.” Admittedly there are paleoconservatives like Pat Buchanan and libertarians like Ron Paul who agree on this point, but most conservatives do not believe that a radical diminution of American power and influence would be good for us or for the world.

Shortly before the election of 2008, then-candidate Obama declared that his election would usher in “a fundamental transformation of America.” The desirability of such a transformation—which would entail the wiping away of as many more traces of American exceptionalism as it will take to turn this country into a facsimile of the social-democratic regimes of western Europe—is the issue at the heart of our politics today. And in the long run, I hope and trust, Americans will reject such a transformation, and elect instead to return to the principles that have made this nation so exceptional—yes, exceptional—a force for good both at home and abroad.

As we had seen in the 2008 election, and again in the 2012 election, Obama is all about the fundamental transformation of America and rooting out those things which made America exceptional. As Norman Podhoretz wrote this in October, he was no doubt warning us not to vote for Obama during the November elections, but the dumbass, dumb masses (as Neal Boortz calls the low-information or no-information voters who do not give a rip about politics) decided to vote Obama for a second term because they wanted their “FREE STUFF” and if Romney were elected, then he would cut that out. We have one more chance in 2014 to elect those who will look after the will of WE THE PEOPLE and not WE THE MOOCHER. Otherwise we will be heading back into slavery (the last step in the Tytler Circle) and we will be living in the same conditions we have seen in Atlas Shrugged and during the Great Depression.

If you want to go back and read the article as a whole, you can find it on the Imprimis Archive site. Just look for the October 2012 issue. I might read more Imprimis articles as an editorial series in the future. For now, I will end with this. What will YOU do to keep America exceptionalism foremost? What will YOU do to make America the greatest country on earth?

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Rundown for August 24, 2013

#Join Rick Bulow and special guest Valerie Santiago (writer at GOP is for Me) as they give the week in news. Major Nidal Hassan was finally convicted of 43 counts in the November 2009 shooting on Fort Hood. Was it unanimous? What’s next? Also, the Republican National Committee is planning on moving its convention in 2016. What date do they have in mind? What benefits will come from this? Those questions and more including your calls today on Red, Right, and Blue.

Join us for the fun and frivolity that is Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom (which can be accessed at 30 minutes early for some last minute show prep as well. If you want to engage the conversation, there are three ways to do so:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Hell, tell a liberal. As always, there is always fun and frivolity and I invite you to come join in.

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Saturday, August 17, 2013

American Exceptionalism (Part 6)

Last week I expanded on the notion that the poor are “comparatively few in number, and the laws don’t bind them together by the ties of irremediable and hereditary penury.” This week I will continue on that and then speak about the U.S in world affairs

As the great economist and social critic Thomas Sowell has demonstrated time and again, it is still the case that the poor in America “are comparatively few in number.” And except for the black underclass—whose size is generally estimated at somewhere between two and ten percent of the black community and whose plight has thus far resisted every attempt at alleviation over the past 50 years—it is also true that penury in the United States is neither irremediable nor hereditary. As Sowell shows, of those who live on the next rung of the economic ladder, more of whom are white than black, only three percent get stuck in the bottom fifth of the income distribution for more than eight years.

Elaborating on Sowell’s analyses, the economist Mark Perry writes:

In the discussions on income inequality and wage stagnation, we frequently hear about the “top 1%” or the “top 10%” or the “bottom 99%” and the public has started to believe that those groups operate like closed private clubs that contain the exact same people or households every year. But the empirical evidence . . . tells a much different story of dynamic change in the labor market—people and households move up and down the earnings quintiles throughout their careers and lives. Many of today’s low-income households will rise to become tomorrow’s high-income households, and some will even eventually be in the “top 10%” or “top 1%.” And many of today’s “top 1%” or top income quintile members are tomorrow’s middle or lower class households, reflecting the significant upward and downward mobility in the dynamic U.S. labor market.

No such mobility can be found in any of the member countries of the European Union, or anywhere else for that matter. Even in the dismal economic state our nation has fallen into today, it is still exceptional where the degree and the distribution of prosperity are concerned. But to this, modern liberals are willfully blind.

With all exceptions duly noted, I think it is fair to say that what liberals mainly see when they look at America today is injustice and oppression crying out for redress. By sharp contrast, conservatives see a complex of traditions and institutions built upon the principles that animated the American Revolution and that have made it possible—to say yet again what cannot be said too often—for more freedom and more prosperity to be enjoyed by more of its citizens than in any other society in human history. It follows that what liberals—who concentrate their attention on the relatively little that is wrong with America instead of the enormous good embodied within it—seek to change or discard is precisely what conservatives are dedicated to preserving, reinvigorating, and defending.

A similar divide separates liberals and conservatives as to the role America has played in world affairs. Consider the many apologies President Obama has issued for the misdeeds of which he imagines Americans have been guilty in our relations with other countries in general and the Muslim world in particular. Never mind that the United States has spilled blood and treasure to liberate and protect many millions of people from the totalitarian horrors first of Nazism and then of Communism, and that since 9/11 we have spilled yet more blood and treasure fighting against Islamofascism, the totalitarian successor to Nazism. And as to the Muslim world in particular, never mind that, as the columnist Mona Charen puts it, “of the last six wars in which the United States was involved (Kuwait, Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya), four were undertaken to rescue Muslims and the other two (Afghanistan and Iraq) had the side benefit of liberating Muslims —to what end remains an open question.”

Over the past 80 years or so, we had to deal with Nazism, Communism, and now Islamofascism trying to take over the world, though we had dealt with Islamofascism in one form or another since the 1780’s. We had always been the world’s savior, so to speak, with Nazism and Communism, and for the past 12 years some people had put the blame on us for the rapid rise of Islamofascism since the attacks on September 11, 2001. With everything that is happening in Europe with the expansion of Sharia Law, I think we are ultimately the last stand in the world in preventing it, no matter how hard Obama is trying to change that with his apology tour and whatnot. If we want to keep America exceptional as WE know it, we need to continue to be the shining light for hope and capitalism in the world.

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Rundown for August 17, 2013

Join Rick Bulow and Justin Kendall as they bring the week in news. The RNC had their annual meeting this week. Did CNN and NBC pull out of the Hillary movie producing? Speaking of the Hillary movie two ultra-libs had protested over at NBC. Who were they and what did they say? And the RNC is eyeing three talk show hosts as debate moderators. Which three are they looking at? All this and more including your calls on today’s show.

Join us for another exciting episode of Red, Right, and Blue today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom (which can be accessed at 30 minutes early for a meet and greet and also for some last minute show prep. If you want to engage the conversation during the show, there are three ways to do it:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter, use the hashtag #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your neighbors. Hell, tell a Liberal. Every episode is bound to be huge, and this is no different

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Saturday, August 10, 2013

American Exceptionalism (Part 5)

Last week we talked about the differences between a nation which put liberty ahead of equality, and those who put equality ahead of liberty. This week we will discuss more from de Tocqueville and what he had said on the differences between Americans and Europeans as well as the gap between rich and poor

Then too there is the assumption, blithely accepted by the party of economic equality, that the gap between rich and poor—or even between the rich and the middle class—self-evidently amounts to a violation of social justice. Yet far from being self-evident, this assumption stems from a highly questionable concept of social justice—one that rules out or minimizes the role played by talent, character, ambition, initiative, daring, work, and spirit in producing unequal outcomes in “the pursuit of happiness.”

Furthermore, both the assumption and its correlative concept of social justice run counter to the American grain. As study after study has shown, and as the petering out of the Occupy Wall Street movement has recently confirmed, what Tocqueville observed on this point in the 1830s remains true today: Americans, unlike Europeans, he wrote, “do not hate the higher classes of society” even if “they are not favorably inclined toward them . . . .” Which is to say that most Americans are not prone to the envy of the rich that eats away at their self-appointed spokesmen on the Left.

Nor are most Americans subject to the accompanying passion for economic egalitarianism that made for the spread of socialism in other countries. What explains the absence of that levelling passion is that it has been starved by the opportunities America has afforded millions upon millions to better their lot and the advantage they have been free to take of those opportunities—which in turn explains how unprecedented and unmatched levels of prosperity have been created here and how they have come to be shared more widely here than anywhere else.

Tocqueville also put his finger on a second and related reason for the persistence of this particular feature of American exceptionalism: “The word poor is used here in a relative, not an absolute sense. Poor men in America would often appear rich in comparison with the poor of Europe.” A story I was once told by a Soviet dissident provides an amusing illustration. It seems that the Soviet authorities used to encourage the repeated screening of The Grapes of Wrath, a movie about the Great Depression-era migration of starving farmers from the Dust Bowl to California in their broken-down pickups. But contrary to expectation, what Soviet audiences got from this film was not an impression of how wretched was the plight of the poor in America. Instead they came away marvelling that in America, “even the peasants own trucks.”

Tocqueville further observed that in America, “the poor, instead of forming the immense majority of the nation, as is always the case in aristocratic communities, are comparatively few in number, and the laws do not bind them together by the ties of irremediable and hereditary penury.”

One thing I had found interesting is what de Tocqueville observed in America, as he wrote in the last paragraph, that the poor are “comparatively few in number, and the laws don’t bind them together by the ties of irremediable and hereditary penury.” Looking at America of the 21st Century you would have considered de Tocqueville crazy for writing that, but if you look at some of the plantations in the South, as well as some of the homes in the North, during the times before the Civil War you would think different. Actually, it was AFTER the Civil War (or the War Between the States, the war of Southern Independence, whatever you want to call it) where you see the lack of the nouveau riche and the sophistication that was popular before 1861. Keep in mind the South was in a total state of disarray and their main lifestyle was almost obliterated. The South had to rebuild somehow during reconstruction, but the economy had undergone a change in the south, and as such the poor (not only in the south but in the north as well) began to form the immense majority of the nation.

And if you look around the world, this is what Socialism and socialistic policies bring about as well. I am thinking Podhoretz is warning against this in the article, and if we fail to heed his words, then we will wind up like what we had read and seen in Atlas Shrugged.

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Rundown for August 10, 2013

join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter ( Host of the Cotter Café on Own The Narrative) as they give you the news of the week. This week Reince Preibus, the Chairman of the Republican National Committee, has lashed back against CNN and NBC for planning to air the Hillary Clinton film. What did he say? How did CNN and NBC react? Also, there are major changes at Fox News Channel and it has one host over at CNN up in arms. Who is this host and what did he say? All that and more including your phone calls, on the show today

Come join us today at 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central, for another wonderful episode of Red, Right, and Blue. I will be in the chatroom (located at 30 minutes early for some last minute show prep and a meet and greet. If you want to engage the conversation during the show, there are three ways to do it:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are on Twitter but unable to access the chatroom, you can use the hashtags #RedRightBlue and #OTNN throughout the show.

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a Liberal. This is bound to be a wonderful show as always complete with an announcement by me as well. If you want to know what the announcement is, you are going to have to tune in to see what it is or wait until I announce it on my blogs.

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

American Exceptionalism (Part 4)


So far as liberty is concerned, until recently no one but libertarians have been arguing that we were insufficiently free in the United States. If anything, some conservatives, dismayed by such phenomena as the spread of pornography and sexual license, thought that we had too much freedom for our own good. But thanks to modern liberalism’s barely concealed hostility to the free market, not to mention the threat posed by Obamacare to religious and economic freedom, many conservatives are now echoing these libertarian arguments, if in a milder form.

Judging by what they say and the policies they pursue, modern liberals are not all that concerned about liberty. What they really care about, and what they assign a higher value to, is economic equality (as reflected in the now famous phrase, “spread the wealth around”). Yet here is what the late Daniel Patrick Moynihan wrote in 1976 about this very issue in connection with the redistributionist ideology then regnant at the United Nations:

And equality . . . what is the record? The record was stated most succinctly by an Israeli socialist who told William F. Buckley, Jr. that those nations which have put liberty ahead of equality have ended up doing better by equality than those with the reverse priority . . . . This is our case. We are of the liberty party, and it might surprise us what energies might be released were we to unfurl those banners.

Four years later, Ronald Reagan came along to unfurl those banners. And just as Moynihan predicted, the result was the release of new political and economic energies that reversed the political and economic decline of the Carter years and that led to our victory in the Cold War.

Of course, the party of liberty Moynihan was talking about was the United States of America and the party of economic equality was the socialist countries of what was then called the Third World. But within America today, an analogous split has opened up, with the Republicans constituting the party of liberty and the Democrats more and more becoming the party of redistribution. Hence the Democrats never stop claiming that the rich are failing to pay their fair share of taxes. Yet after surveying the numbers, the economist Walter Williams of George Mason University asks an excellent question: “What standard of fairness dictates that the top ten percent of income earners pay 71 percent of the federal income tax burden while 47 percent of Americans pay absolutely nothing?” To which an editorial in the Wall Street Journal replies: “There is nothing fair about confiscatory tax policy that reduces growth, denies opportunity, and keeps more people in poverty.”

Normally I would not agree or endorse anything a Democrat says, but I think Moynihan hits the proverbial nail on the head with this statement in regards to American Exceptionalism. Read that one part once more:

The record was stated most succinctly by an Israeli socialist who told William F. Buckley, Jr. that those nations which have put liberty ahead of equality have ended up doing better by equality than those with the reverse priority (emphasis mine)

Even Moynihan, who was a sociologist, recognized the need of putting liberty ahead of equality. In doing so, the nation had ended up doing better by equality than those who put equality ahead of liberty. Today under Obama, and I will go so far as to say under the other two Democrats (Carter and Clinton) as well, America is putting equality ahead of liberty, and as such we are failing. There had been a couple of times (from 1981 – 1989 under Ronald Reagan and also in George W. Bush's first term from 2001 – 2005)  in which America was successful because we put liberty ahead of equality, but that is only 12 years in the past 36 years. All the other times (and granted I did vote for George W. Bush for reelection in 2004) the presidents put equality ahead of liberty, and this is the mess we are in now.

This also leads to the Tytler Cycle that I had mentioned many times in the past.

TytlerCircle"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government.  It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury.
"From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.
"The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.  These nations have progressed through this sequence:
"From bondage to spiritual faith;
from spiritual faith to great courage;
from courage to liberty;
from liberty to abundance;
from abundance to selfishness;
from selfishness to apathy;
from apathy to dependence;
from dependency back again into bondage."

There had been a few times in which both Reagan and Bush 43 have kept or put us back into the courage to liberty stage, but more often than not the presidents had moved us into the selfishness to apathy or even apathy to dependency stage, with Obama doing his damnedest to put us in to the dependency to bondage stage. The reason he has not is because of we the people and how WE maintain those traits which make America great and exceptional.

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Rundown for August 3, 2012

Join Rick Bulow and Billie Cotter (host of the Cotter Café every Sunday at 7 PM Eastern on Own The Narrative) as they bring you the week in news. An editor at a newspaper in Chattanooga was fired for putting out a rather unflattering editorial of Obama. What was the editorial and why was the editor fired? Also, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (Moonbat Democrat from the Texas’ 18th District) is in the running for Secretary of Homeland Security. Is she a better choice or a worse choice than Janet Neapolitano? And New York City is having their welfare food not going toward Welfare. Where is it going and how much? All those questions and more will be answered today.

Join us today for Red, Right, and Blue at it’s original time of 1:30 PM Eastern, 12:30 PM Central. I will be in the chatroom, which can be accessed at, 30 minutes early for a little last minute show prep and also for a lil meet and greet. If you want to engage the conversation during the show, there are three ways you can do it:

  • Call 832-699-0449
  • Skype in to OTNNetwork
  • If you are unable to access the chatroom but are on Twitter, use the hashtag #RedRightBlue and #OTNN

Tell your friends. Tell your enemies. Hell, tell a liberal. The show is bound to be a real blastyhoot, and you never know what will be said next.

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